
Thursday, November 15, 2007

SMS Profundities

♣♣Mobile phones are the only things in live of which men talk about having the smallest.

♣♣A lawyer says 'we' won' or 'You' have lost.

♣♣All computers wait at the same speed.

♣♣Real anarchists play chess without kings.

♣♣Monday is one seventh of your life!

♣♣When I was young I begged God for a bike, but God does not work that way... so I stole a bike and begged for forgiveness!
♣♣Aiming to remain good sports, we park as close as possible near the sports centre.

♣♣Money resembles fat... there is plenty of it, but always in the wrong places.

♣♣No-one loves hard work more than the one who pays for it.

♣♣Some people live because it is illegal to kill them!

♣♣Richness has eternal value if we use it to make others happy.

♣♣Everybody wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die...

♣♣There are days that nothing goes your way, but does it help to complain? No, not a bit. So, stand up to it, list all the points and put your shoulders to the wheel, even worries go away.

♣♣Learn to live every moment of happiness, are never too busy to receive or give love.

♣♣We have to make a choice, the truth or the appearances. You can loose yourself if you are never you.

♣♣The sea consists of water drops, the sand dunes of grains of sand, time of moments, use them with common sense!

♣♣Today is the day ... It comes only once- ... because tomorrow no longer today. Enjoy life... it is possible ...but do it today ... because today is the day

♣♣When you yell 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough energy to warm one cup of coffee. ( Niet echt de moeite dus!)

♣♣You can't walk in the light without causing a shadow

♣♣Without the rubber tree the whole world would have AIDS

♣♣If you hit every time the target is too near or too big.

♣♣The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes

♣♣The secret of success lies not in doing your own work but in recognizing the right man to do it.

♣♣People are not afraid of how bad you are, People are afraid of how good you are.

♣♣Trains never follow the schedule, they follow the rails

♣♣The one who asks is a fool for 5 minutes, the one who does not ask, remains a fool for ever

♣♣It is better to know everything of one subject, than to know something of everything.

♣♣The past becomes longer and longer and the future shorter and shorter, the hope in the future is bigger than the regrets for the past

♣♣Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly !

♣♣Getting an other boyfriend or husband is like buying a house. You have to improve yourself.

♣♣When you choose not to make a choice, you do choose because you choose not to choose.

♣♣Life is hard, learn from the mistakes of others and not of your own mistakes !

♣♣When you turn you nose 180 degrees, you would drown when it rains

♣♣Children in the backseat cause accidents... Accidents in the back seat cause children.

♣♣People wasted a lot of time talking about who came first, the chicken or the egg, but it was surely the cock.

♣♣Life is hard, but the front of a train is harder...

♣♣Learn from the mistakes of others... you can't live long enough to make them all yourselves!!

♣♣Life is like toilet paper, long and useful !!!!

♣♣A fart is nothing more than a lost cough.

♣♣One day you will find the woman of your life and at that point you will already be married.

♣♣I only drink to make my wife look prettier.

♣♣It is weird that my nose is running and my feet smell.

♣♣Love is blind, ladies' underwear is brailed

♣♣Love based on beauty, dies along with the beauty.

♣♣Be nice to those who smoke, every cigarette may be their last.

♣♣Boredom was the other word for a safe and undisturbed life.

♣♣Do not keep hanging in the past, do not dream of the future, but concentrate on the present.

♣♣Light is faster than sound. That is why people look intelligent, until you hear them speak.

♣♣All mushrooms are eatable. But some you can only eat once.

♣♣Nature is a miracle. One million years ago no one knew people would wear glasses but our ears are at the right spot.

♣♣A pessimist is someone who believes that women are frivolous. An optimist is someone who hopes for this.

♣♣Every good-bye is the birth of a memory

♣♣Every married man knows why they name hurricanes after women

♣♣Common sense and a sense of humour are the same things but at different speeds. A good sense of humour is just common sense that dances.

♣♣I believe that there is life after death. But I do not think I will live it.

♣♣There are so many things I have to do, that I should better go to sleep.

♣♣You may not be too hard on my secretaries. They are sweet and understanding when I arrive at the office after having a tough day at home.

♣♣Only 17% of all traffic accidents was caused by drunk drivers, so the other 83% was caused by, yes you got it....the sober ones among us!!

♣♣What do you have in common with your husband ? " We married on the same day."

♣♣Good advice, whatever happens, make it look like to intend to.

♣♣Words of a client in an antique shop: do you have anything new ?

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